PXT Select%26%23153 Leadership Report
(John Wiley & Sons, Inc. - PXTSelect)

PXT Select™ Leadership Report

Makes Hiring for Leadership Positions Simpler and Smarter.

Every Leader has a unique approach to leading and managing others. During the selection process, PXT Select™ helps you understand how an individual will guide their teams and shaper your organization. With actionable data, you can make strategic decisions about the leaders you on board to your team, thus assisting them in achieving your organization's goals.

The Leadership Report, one of the many reports in the PXT Select™ suite of hiring and selection tools, provides invaluable insight into a candidate's leadership potential and their approach to meeting leadership challenges. It helps hiring managers understand how a candidate leads by giving insight into how an individual's cognitive, behavioral traits, and interests, in relation to six essential leadership skills, can affect their potential as a leader. The information in the Leadership Report outlines how best to capitalize on the candidate's strengths and where to focus personal leadership development efforts.

Creating a Vision
Developing Strategies
Ensuring Results
Inspiring People
Being Approachable
Mentoring Others

Call us to purchase these quantities.

35-99 Select XT Meters: $250.00 ea.
100+ Select XT Meters: $200.00 ea.

New Customers: 10 Select XT Meters Minimum.

Administration Fee: Training Solutions will charge $50 per PXTSelect™ to administer this product.

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