Profiles Performance Indicator™

 Profiles Performance Indicator

The Profiles Performance Indicator™ is a DISC-type assessment that reveals an individual's job performance and aspects of their personality that could impact their fit with their manager, coworkers and team. It is used primarily for motivating and coaching employees and resolving post-hire conflict and performance issues.

The PPI specifically measures an individual's motivational intensity and behaviors related to productivity, quality of work, initiative, teamwork, problem solving, and adapting to change, as well as response to stress, frustration, and conflict. The output from this assessment serves as a "manager's operating manual" for an employee, which helps managers better motivate, coach, and communicate with the employee. It also helps to predict and minimize conflict among co-workers, and provides crucial information for improving team selection and performance.

Team Analysis Report

A powerful feature of the PPI is the Team Analysis Report, designed to help managers form new teams, reduce team conflict, improve team communication, improve their ability to anticipate problems, and enhance their team leadership skills.

How does the PPI assessment work?

Our clients deliver the PPI to their people over the Internet-an HR administrator simply forwards a link to the manager and his or her employees. The assessment does not need to be monitored, so the candidate can take it from any computer with Internet access. The system instantly scores the assessment and informs the hiring managers where they can access the results.

Why assess employees with the PPI?

An organization wouldn't spend $50,000 on a piece of equipment without first knowing know how it works and looking at a user's manual. Yet, every day we see businesses hire and deploy employees with little or no thought to helping managers understand how these employees work and whether they are a good fit.

The PPI gives your managers an "operator's manual" for their people by giving them an objective inside look at the behaviors and motives of individuals so they can get the very best from them and other members of their team who will be working together.

Did You Know?

  • 23% of employees fail because they cannot manage emotions.
  • 17% of employees fail because they lack the necessary motivation to excel.
  • 15% of employees fail because they have the wrong temperament for a job.

What Does It Measure?

  • Behavioral indicators in the following critical, job related competencies and provides suggestions for improving performance: Adapting to change, initiative, productivity, problem solving, quality of work and teamwork.
  • Response to job related stress, frustration and conflict.
  • How to motivate the employee
  • Motivational intensity
  • Team balance
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the overall team
  • Describes each team member's characteristics compared to the team leader's characteristics in the 12 Team Factors: Ambition, Analytical, Composure, Control, Expressiveness, Patience, Positive Expectancy, Precision, Quality of Work, Results Orientation, Social Influence, Team Work.
  • Describes methods a leader can use to maximize the performance of each member as part of the team and what roles the leader must play on the team.

How Much Time Does It Take?

  • Less than 14 minutes.