It's Not Just About Sex Anymore: Harassment & Discrimination in the Workplace

Michael Ferraro
This program is presented in a half-day format. Contact Us

Employees must understand that there is far more to workplace harassment and discrimination than just sex. Every day the EEO and the courts expand the definition of harassment and discrimination. Because of this changing environment, it's difficult to know or understand what is allowed and what is not allowed in the workplace. This new training program dramatically illustrates:

  • The ever expanding range of behaviors that create a hostile work environment
  • The differences between free speech at work and protected speech in public
  • The consequences for individuals who exhibit unacceptable behavior
  • The legal threats that companies or organizations can encounter

Scenes of harassment or discrimination behavior include:

  • Age discrimination in a technological era
  • Intolerance towards people who exhibit mental illness
  • Subtle harassment of foreign-born individuals or those practicing non-mainstream religions
  • Attempts to convert others to a particular religion
  • Making fun of an overweight co-worker
  • Harassment of pregnant women

Objectives for this training program are to learn:

  • That harassment and discrimination hurt everyone
  • Which behaviors now contribute to a hostile work environment
  • The areas in which people and organizations cannot discriminate
  • When harassment can become discrimination or "tangible employment action" and the implications of those

Each employee will receive a participant's binder, which will include discussion questions and activities, as well as a self-study workbook to be used as a reference tool in the future.

We provide a fun and motivating approach for your employees through our team approach to learning, the customization we provide for you, individual exercises and small group activities.